so. damn. kao. nosebleed. hot.
2 hours away from adulthood
a realm so intimidating
so filled with responsibility and burden
And looking back at what a great time you had as a teen
its hard not to leave with a heavy heart
but they say there's no difference
you don't just grow up overnight
this is one of those big points in your life
that I hope you look back on with a smile of content
so when you read this, say next year, or next decade or even after a few
know that you lived life to its fullest
and know that you will continue to do so
let fireworks light your every day
dear ms limyiimin who is far far away,
I was walking in Myer basement
all alone coz i cleverly left my keys stuck in my locker in the hospital toilet
and thus was locked out
with nothing to do while waiting for the other mr tan to finish his body attack
when I stumbled across this
melbourne loves and misses you woman
its a sign
a 3908-ian who hopes he made your day